2.3 IVEX football team

IVEX plans to carry out their innovative approach by creating a full-scale football team in Turkey. The club will be launched using IVEX tokens as a key tool for fan engagement. More specifically, this includes the use of these tokens as a voting chip. This feature gives token holders a say in the club's operations in various ways, effectively making them active participants in most activities of the team.

In this way, users can vote on many important matters. Thus for example, token holders can vote specific positions to which the club should sign in new players; choosing the team's uniform design or deciding friendlies to be played. It gives fans an immediate hand in the team's tactics and appearance, thus enhancing their proximity with the club itself.

All activities such as voting or monitoring club's daily life are reflected in the metaverse. This provides for a continuous and interactive user experience, even at thousand miles distant to live action. By buying IVEX tokens, users can support the club financially and have a say in its future at the same time.

This has introduced an entirely new model for sports club management, merging real-world sports with blockchain technology to create a unique experience football enthusiasts everywhere can enjoy. IVEX's bold attempt in Turkey is a case in point of how digital assets will change everything about the relationship between fans and clubs.

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